Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Queen's Orange Society 2019/2020

"Undoubtedly, this is a time of much stress and worry for those students waiting on A-Level results across Northern Ireland. However the Bible reminds us that God is in control of all things and that we should give our concerns and worries over to him. In Psalm 94: 19 we read 'When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.' It is also important to remember that God has great plans for each of us and that his ways are not our ways.

If you plan to begin third level education at Queen's in September why not think about joining the ever growing Orange Society?

We have much planned for the upcoming academic year so come and have a chat with us at Freshers' fayre.

The Orange Society also exists to provide a support network for our members. If you have any queries or concerns about studying at QUB please get in touch and we will try and help as best we can. We realise that the transition to University can be a difficult one and if we can make things a little easier we would love to help.

If you plan on attending Ulster University, please get in touch with our freinds at Jordanstown Orange Society or Coleraine Orange Society. They would love to hear from you!

On behalf of QUB Orange Society can we wish everyone the very best for tomorrow and we look forward to welcoming many new members in September.

Proverbs 3:5-6".

Calvin W. Reid,

Monday, 22 July 2019

Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland supports calls for resignation of Victims’ Commissioner

The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland (GOLI) supports the call by many victims’ groups for the Victims’ Commissioner Judith Thompson to resign.

The Orange Institution lost over 300 members during the ‘Troubles’, many serving with or ex-members of the Crown forces, the police, army and prison service. Others were murdered simply because they were Protestant.

A spokesperson for GOLI said: “The advice by Ms Thompson to the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) and Secretary of State that those members of the terrorist organisations that carried out such murders and were seriously injured should receive a Government pension is as repugnant as it is morally indefensible. The hurt such advice caused to the victims of terror has added to their pain, rather than addressing their needs and concerns, which is the role of the Commissioner.

“The victims of terrorism are ill-served by a Commissioner who offers such advice and causes distress, therefore the Orange Institution adds their voice to the calls for Judith Thompson to resign, as her position is untenable having lost significant support within the victims’ sector.

“The issue of pensions for terrorist victims should not be delayed any further. One commentator recently summed up the view of many in the victims’ sector and the wider community, ‘Exclude the wounded terrorists’, and get on with meeting the needs of terrorist victims.”